Estrella Morente, daughter of the legendary late singer Enrique Morente, originally recorded this song as Tangos de Pepico, telling the story of a man whom she loves but abandons her. She longs for him until she finds out that he’s going around saying he no longer loves her, so she turns the tables on him by saying she no longer loves him. Even though flamenco lyrics can be sung by either men or women, the duo decided to record this as a love song to Estrella, thus the title.
Letras (lyrics):
Desde que se fue mi Estrella / Since my Estrella went away
El huerto no se ha regado / The garden hasn’t been watered
La yerbabuena no crece / The mint isn’t growing
Y el perejil se ha secado / And the parsley has dried up
Ay Estrella mia, ay Estrella mia / Oh, my Estrella
Ven pa aca / Come over here
Que no me hagas mas sufrir / Don’t make me suffer more
Que ni tampoco más llorar / Or cry any more either
En un corrillo de mujeres / In a small group of women
Las Estrellas son las que valen / The Estrellas are the once who matter
Las Antonias son más fuertes / The Antonias are stronger
Y las Manuelas debiles / And the Manuelas weak
Que no me quieres te alabas / You claim that you don’t love me
Quien no te quiere a ti soy yo / It is I who does not love you
Ay, tronco de tan mala rama / I’m severing this bad branch
Ay, que no me camelas, te alabas / You claim that you don’t sweet talk me