One of the few consistently happy flamenco forms, alegrías, is based on the rhythm of soleares, but is faster and in a major key. Even so, it often includes a section called the silencio in a minor, mournful key, showing that flamencos can’t stand to stay happy for too long. As often happens in flamenco, the song ends in a macho or sped-up section. Even though alegrías is regarded as a lightweight song (cante chico), the dance is considered profound (baile grande) because there are so many demanding variations, and even instrumental versions try to invoke the feeling of the dancer.

Grant dedicates this piece to the very musical soul of his late father, Celso Ruiz, whom he mentions in the title and in the song by modifying some of the traditional lyrics.


Letras (lyrics):

Ay los caballos hacen compás / The horses make rhythm
En la plazuela / In the small square
Los caballos hacen compás / The horses make rhythm
Cuando escuchaban a Celso templa / When they used to hear Celso
Hace para tocar / Tuning up to play

Y cuando Celso tocaba / And when Celso used to play
Por la bahía / By the bay
Ay los caballos bailaban / The horses used to dance
Ay por bulerías / To the rhythm of bulerías

Cantiñas y soleá / Cantiñas and soleá
Por malagueñas, por tientos / In the style of malagueñas and tientos
Cantiñas y soleá / Cantiñas and soleá
Él siempre dijo esto cante / He always did his song
De una forma ay muy genial / In a brilliant way

Que me voy a querer / How I’m going to love
Sevilla de mi sentir / Seville of my heart
Voy a hacer una casa / I’m going to build a house
Cerca del Guadalvivir / Near the Guadalquivir
En el barrio de Alcalá / In the neighborhood of Alcalá
Viva Juaquin de la Paula / Long live Juaquin, son of Paula
Rey de la soleá / King of the soleá

Mientras viva a cantaré / While living I will sing
Por malagueñas, por tientos / In the style of malagueñas and tientos
Mientras viva a cantaré / While living I will sing
En memoria del maestro / In memory of the maestro
Que pa siempre se no fue / Who will never leave us

Y Niño Celso es mi nombre / And Celso’s Son is my name
Por si lo quieren saber / If you all want to know
Soy andaluz y angelino / I’m Andalucian and Angelino
De la cabeza a los pies / From head to foot
Nací en el brillo del sol / I was born in the light of the sun
En el barrio de mi padre / In the neighborhood of my father
En ese pueblo flamenco ay / In that flamenco town
Que se llama Los Angeles / That’s called Los Angeles