One of the oldest forms of flamenco, soleares is part of the cante jondo or “deep song”, reserved for expressing the deepest of emotions. The word comes from soledad or “loneliness”, which reflects the solemn nature of the form. The first part is a caña, an old related form, and the ending is a bulerías, a bright, happy form based on the same rhythm as the soleares.


Letras (lyrics):

Levántate ay tempranito / Get up early
Ay que al castillito prima / To the castle, cousin,
Quiero subir / I want to go up
Que yo quería subir / I wanted to go up
Me han dicho que con el alba / They have told me that with the dawn
Se oye el eco de Joaquin / One hears the echo of Joaquin
De Joaquin el de la Paula / Of Joaquin, son of Paula

Te estuvo bien empleado / It served you right
Será por la puñaladita / It will be by the little stab
Que por tu querer me ha dado / That your love has given me

Te quiero / I love you
Y me moriré queriéndote / And I will die loving you
Hasta la muerte / Until death

Y a la Carmela me la llevo yo primito / I will take Carmela, cousin,
De la mano porque dice primo mio / By the hand because my cousin says
Que su hermano / That her brother
Me anda buscando la muerte / Is looking to kill me
Ay como buen gitano / Oh, like a good Gypsy